THE website for diehard Zim fans!

Posts tagged ‘Teacher’

Drawing Contest?

So on the Pride Of Irk Facebook Page there’s been some talk about a drawing contest, well that probably won’t happen for 50-80 more likes but it WILL happen and y’all should practice drawing temporary and supporting characters… Just sayin’!

Parent Teacher Night Finished, Walk of Doom soon to be up!

“They took my squeezing arm!!” I just finished the Parent Teacher Night episode guide! (FINALLY!) Since it took three days I’ll try and finish Walk of Doom today, and I found another awesome Invader Zim Facebook group! The United Irkens Of Invader Zim there just starting,like us and there super nice and funny so if you want to I suggest joining! That’s all for now! Oh and since everyone’s wondering where would YOU want DoomCON or InvaderCON 2 to be? I’m for Texas personally… (Hint hint!)  ~Tallest Nat

The Great Sending

Heya! I just finished part one of the Parent Teacher Night episode guide! And for those of you that haven’t JOIN OPERATION HEAD PIGEONS!!!! They’re a group devoted to bringing back Invader Zim and by golly they’ve almost won!!!!!!! They got an Invader Zim dvd released and have done a lot and we all know that if this last operation works Zim is almost definitely coming back. To go to their website click here, to go to their facebook page click here spread this news to EVERY Invader Zim fan, this operation is still shrouded in mystery but seems to be involving the biggest letter raid, EVVVVVAAAAHHH we’re trying to get EVERY Invader Zim fan to write a letter and on sending day send it to Nickelodeon, the address hasn’t been given to us yet but when Tallest Sarah of OHP (Operation Head Pigeons) gives the signal we’re all sending our letters, once Nickelodeon sees this hopefully they’ll realize how many fans there are (as if we haven’t already showed ’em! And Zim WILL come back! So write your letters! Oh and if you don’t already,follow us on facebook!

~Tallest Nat