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Posts tagged ‘act’

DoomCON, How do YOU want it?

We still are yet to have answers about InvaderCON II, DoomCON. But we SHOULD get them this month, although if we did get answers and IC posted it on fb I wouldn’t be able to see it for a week… :/ So keep me informed soldiers! There are four states that might be chosen, choose the one you want!

If you went to the first InvaderCON, is there anything you want changed? I wasn’t there so I can’t judge anything… I’m thinking of making a gnome outfit, from Zim’s garden, but then it’d be hard to hug-mob the cast… I’m a huge fan of Richard Horvitz, for more than just Zim, he’s great in all his work, so I’d probably spaz when I meet him… So vent about what you want in DoomCON here!